速報APP / 醫療 / dB meter : Sound Meter

dB meter : Sound Meter





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




dB meter : Sound Meter(圖1)-速報App

dB meter , Sound Meter, sound level meter, decibel meter (dB meter), noise meter, sound or pressure level meter (SPL meter) is a device is used for acoustic (sound that travels through air) measurements. It is commonly a hand-held instrument with a microphone. .

This app will use your phone microphone to measure environmental noise decibels (dB) and show this value for reference in the screen.

With this app, you can easily measure the current level of environmental noise. Simple operation and easy to use.

dB meter : Sound Meter is professional sound meter for your Android. Sound Meter is also known as sound level meter, decibel meter (dB meter), noise meter, sound pressure level meter (SPL meter). Sound Meter uses your Android's microphone to measure levels of noise or sound pressure levels and displays measured data in dB (decibels) with reference to generally known noise (provided by American Academy of Audiology) or displays the noise data on easy to read graph for the last 30 seconds of app use.

Levels of Noise In decibels (dB) according to American Academy of Audiology (www.audiology.org):

140 dB - Gun shots, fireworks

130 dB - Jackhammers, Ambulance

120 dB - Jet planes taking off

110 dB - Concerts, Car horns

100 dB - Snowmobiles

90 dB - Power tools

dB meter : Sound Meter(圖2)-速報App

80 dB - Alarm clocks

70 dB - Traffic, vacuums

60 dB - Normal conversation

50 dB - Moderate rainfall

40 dB - Quiet library

30 dB - Whisper

20 dB - Leaves rusting

10 dB – Breathing

The high decibel value will be harmful to your physical and mental health and hearing function. You'd better avoid exposure in noisy environments.

To protect your and your family's health, detect the decibel value now!

>> Notes <<

dB meter : Sound Meter(圖3)-速報App

In most android devices the microphone are assigned to human voice so manufacturers limit the maximum values, for very loud sounds(over ~100 dB) may not be measured in most device : Moto G3 (max.80), Galaxy S6 (85dB), Nexus 5 (82dB), HTC Desire(82dB)....

Please use it as just an auxiliary tools. If you need more accurate dB values, we recommend to use a real sound level meter.

dB meter : Sound Meter(圖4)-速報App